Sunday, January 13, 2008

Live from Abbey Road

One of my subjects require a demo-teaching to pass it, and I chose to demonstrate Stenography, being it my most loved subject. Demo-teaching Stenography would require me to have a thorough knowledge of the subject, to have a very legible writing of stenography strokes, and a very clear and audible voice for dictation. So far, I can say I have thorough knowledge of the subject and I have a clear and audible voice, my only problem is, my shorthand strokes are not legible. It is only I who can understand my strokes, which was advantage over cheaters, btw, but now, it is my major problem! I have to practice writing my shorthand strokes, or else, it would be a downfall for me!

My mom called earlier from Davao, she was telling me how she and my father jetskied the waters of Davao and how they are going on a banana-boat ride, and kayak tomorrow. I should have been there in their trip to Davao, but I have school so life sucks. XD Pampalubag-loob: my mom says she bought me a cool silk bag from Davao, plus a souveneir shirt. I am such a sucker for souveneirs.

Someday, I'll travel. I'll first start with Cebu, then Tagaytay, Baguio, Bacolod, Bohol, Batangas, then... the world.

Days ago, I saw the movie Saturday Night Fever and it sucks! I thought this movie has some good moral in it, in between the disco lights, the tight bell bottom jeans, mixed up with the 70's groove, but I was disappointed. Yeah, John Travolta's dance moves are hot, but other things equal, all he did was be this 'cute' yet 'tupid guy. Peace!

If you happen to see who's performing on the next episode of Live from Abbey Road, and if it is Craig David, please, please please, tell me. I am so dying to see that episode! =)

Today is Sunday. Usually, after I have done all my assignments, I would be watching South Park on Jack TV, but since Jack TV is gone, I guess I will be stuck here in my room, wallowing over its demise on cable TV.

"He said, "I'll love you forever." I said, "Please warn me when forever starts to end."