Thursday, July 24, 2008


"I am the most selfish bitch in the whole world. All I think of are my feelings, my reputation, everything about ME. So now, I am going to think about you. I am going to let you be what you want to be--happy. And me, I am gonna sulk until I feel happy about you being happy, even if you being happy is something that does not include me. I really don't like you hearing me cry, especially when I cry not because I am angry but because sad." -Nineteen in Pigtails

Okay, so that didn't make any sense. hahaha. Anyways here's a wrap-up:

My mom wanted me to wear pigtails, so I wore one for her. I guess its because my mom want to see me become a child again (even just for the physical appearance), she's quite amazed how I grew up fast.

I tried to cook mojos, but my cooking skills aren't going anywhere better, so my mojos suck. I even bewitched my brother to sleep thirty-minutes later just to taste my mojos so he could give an honest opinion about them, and he says my mojos suck. I love my brother. haha.

First thing me and my brother do when I reach home: we turn on the dvd and watch House. My brother loves me so much, I can get him to watch House. My brother is a sixth grader, btw.

So there, aside from the pigtails and the sudden outburst of senseless emotions, everything is pretty mundane.

I must sleep now, I am having bad feelings I am getting puffy eyes and major headache tomorrow. Sleep till it hurts no more!!! :)