Friday, October 03, 2008

Movies again!

Watching 5 Korean Movies yesterday made me realize how cheeessyyy korean movies can be. I can't believe I actually wasted my precious afternoon on those senseless romantic comedies which talks of nothing but losing your virginity, fighting over a cute student teacher and forcing yourself to someone who obviously doesn't like you.

I must stop talking about Korean movies now because I might say something offensive to Korean girls hehe. *peace*

To redeem myself and to redeem the Korean pop culture, I still believe that Korea produces the best romantic comedy movies. Of course you heard My Sassy Girl and Windstruck. Other than these movies, I like Jenny & Juno and My Tutor Friend.

I am crossing Wall-E off my 'To-Watch List'.

Pixar nailed it again as they were brilliantly able to make a love story out of two robots, Wall-E and Eve. Wall-E is a robot programmed to collect your wastes and make a cube of garbage out of them. However, what made Wall-E distinctive from his class is that he has a personality. He can segregate garbage from the useful and the trash, he likes to dance, he has a cockroach for a friend, and he dreams of holding someone's hand, someday.

Then came Eve, a robot programmed to search for a sustainable life on Earth. You see, in the movie, mankind was no longer able to manage their waste and Earth became something like a huge dumpsite, leaving its people to live temporarily in space while robots like Wall-E clean the Earth up.

To make the story short and to avoid spoilers (tinamad ako haha), Wall-E and Eve got to hold hands, and mankind was able to return to Earth.

Eeevaaa. Waalll-Eeee. The movie was short of dialogue, but it is amazing that Pixar was able to present the emotions just the way they should be, on the animated movie. Yey to Pixar!

I hope Earth doesn't become a huge dumpsite just like in the movie. Tsk. Lets love the world.

>insert An Inconvenient Truth documentary here<

Are you legend? I am Legend's tagline 'The last man on earth is not alone' is kinda lame, and so is the movie (I'm sorry Igiboy). In the movie, mankind was struck by a virus. The virus was once known to be the cure of cancer but it has adverse side effects that made the cure became a virus.

Robert Neville, which is played by Will Smith, is a renowned scientist and he is immune to the virus. He is like the last resort of mankind because he is intelligent and he is immune and he is driven to cure the virus.

It took him three years to cure the virus. Yaddah yadahh. Neville ended up sacrificing himself for humanity yaddah yaddah.

Will Smith should play more roles like Neville's and Gardner's (Pursuit of Happyness). The type of roles where a person goes almost pshycologically incapacitated because of his hardships in life. Will Smith is a good actor. hehe.

Its so sad Neville's dog, Samantha, got killed by the zombies in the movie. Oh well. That scene almost made me cry. hehe. I want to emphasize the 'almost'.

I realized that Warner Brothers produce bad sci-fi movies.

So there, I wonder what movie I'll watch next. =)