Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Movies and more?

Today is a rainy rainy holiday and what a better way to relax yourself is to watch DVDs.

My head is aching because I saw three movies consecutively.

Finding Nemo
I have seen this movie like ten times but the story never fails to make me almost cry. hehe. Almost. I really want to emphasize the almost.

"Just keep swimming. Keep swimming."

This movie also reminds me of Patty and Lourdes. Sassy Patty calls Lourdes, "Dory".

Hostel II
This time, girls are the victims. An amazing twist here however is that, one of the victims was able to buy her way out of the freaky killing spree trade. She is so rich she got to kill the Master of the Trade's (if Quentin/Eli calls the character that) daughter.

I'd still pick Hostel I if they are to be rated by their morbidness. or morbidity. Argggh. The dictionary says its morbidity. Crappy english.

Batman Begins
Another superhero movie! What is amazing in superhero movies is that you get to know a little of the superhero's history--the intriguing how's and why's. So watching Batman Begins, I learned that Bruce was once afraid of bats, and he is indeed filthy rich. He got his training from somewhat like an underground society they call the League of the Shadows, and his first archnemesis was Rah Al Gul.

Its so fun to watch because of the clever lines the characters throw at each other. You know, full of witty stuff.

Christian Bale is not really that good-looking. And I really hate the fact that Katie Holmes gets to play Batman's love interest. Pfft.

I am looking forward to seeing The Dark Knight.

ps. I am beginning to love Morgan Freeman. Must see Bucket List too, soon! =)
Movies I am planning to watch:

  • The Dark Knight
  • Bucket List
  • Wall-E
  • Hancock (another super hero movie)
  • You Don't Mess with the Zohan (I miss you, Adam Sandler)
I am planning to buy myself an original copy of One More Chance (yes, that Bea Alonzo movie). It premiered on Philippine TV last Sunday afternoon and amazingly (wooohh that word) made me cry (again). Arggh. Guilty pleasures.

I have talked too much about movies na pala.

Gtg, I going to watch I am Legend pa. haha. Hello Igiboy, I am hoping you could come watch with me. You watch Will while I watch you drool over him. haha! =)