Tuesday, April 07, 2009


This time I won't even try.

And it is not because I am tired of trying.

There are times when I wish that I wasn't strong-willed, or I wish that I have a better understanding of things. Sometimes I wish, things will sort out for me, without me trying my hardest, or maybe without me trying at all. But that is just wishful thinking, and life is not easy to take, so now what I want to do is to accept.

This time, I won't ask myself any of the What If questions, because the more I ask myself these, the more I think of regretting everything that didn't pay off, although God knows I gave it my hundred percent... and more. The more I ask myself these what ifs, the more I am willing to try all over again, and risk falling again.

So this time, I won't even try.

I take back Kelsey, because I realized, I don't know how to swim.