Saturday, August 09, 2008

Tagged by Yhang. Again.

Rule #1: There are no rules when it comes to freedom of speech. The franker, the better.

Rule #2: Each blogger must repost this entire entry with the names of the people he/she is tagging, attached at the end of this pop quiz.

Rule #3: The blogger must visit the page of each person who he/she has tagged and must give a link directing the person to his/her pop quiz.

Part 1: Complete the sentence.

1. My favorite subjects are Filipino & Drafting nung high school at Stenography ngayon.

2. If I were a teacher, I'd teach Stenography & Research.

3. The subject that I don't get is Mathematics.

4. Of all my accomplishments, I am proudest of topping my exams.

5. Five years from now, I would like to be travelling and living independently.

6. If I could live another life, I want to be the person who Dani is going to live with the rest of her life.

7. I was once mistaken for an artista? lol. just kidding.

8. The best thing(s) I ever got for free was/were family, friends, mso. XD

9. My favorite shows are full of witty humor.

10. One night I want to last forever will be somewhere overlooking Manila.

Part 2: Complete the equation.

*am not answering the part 2 of the game*

Part 3: Enumeration

Places you'd like to go on for vacation:

  1. Tagaytay
  2. Baguio
  3. Boracay
  4. Japan
  5. Europe
Gifts you'd like to receive:
  1. DSLR.
  2. Lomo camera.
  3. Laptop.
Foods you would wanna eat forever:
  1. sisig
  2. rice, rice, rice!
  3. japanese cuisine
  4. chocolates
  5. then sprite, to contradict the sweetness of the chocolates.

Things you'll do when you aced all your grades:
  • Nothing? Oh, I'll just invite friends to a karaoke night.