Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tuesdays are Non-profane and Non-obscene Language Day while Wednesdays are Cheesy, Mushy, Tearjerker Movies Day.

Every Tuesday, we conduct our Industrial Technology class and one of the classroom rules is to not say any foul words and double-meaning jokes or else, you'll be asked to pay a fine of one peso. This rule is a challenge for me, knowing how I can be bitchy sometimes. hehe... For the first two meetings of the class, I have been a good follower to this rule, until today... I said something foul twice! And that's two pesos for me! Tsk. tsk. I am two pesos poorer by now, and if I continue to say foul words, I think I'll be a million pesos poorer.

Anyways, Freehand Sketching is stressful. I'd rather do another thesis instead.

I have finished reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven and I give it a five-star rating.

Today, me and my girls watched One More Chance. I know, I know it stars John Lloyd and Bea but who the heck cares? The movie had quite a number of good reviews and who are we to pass an opportunity to watch a good Filipino movie (compared to other Filipino movies)? Plus, it is rare for the five of us to get together... so the movie experience was fun!

Did you guys notice that I changed my headshot?