Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Would it make a difference?

So, since when was my last post?

I'm sorry peeps, been busy juggling my life between school and work lately, I barely have time to keep this thing updated.

Ha! As if you are interested.

Setting sarcasm aside, school's good. =)
Punctuality is my best friend again! I have not been late to school since our Measurement and Evaluatuion professor gave our class her final warning regarding our puntuality problems. I, also, am doing my assignments and I am reading lessons in advance. Would you believe me doing those things? Even I don't believe myself. Haha!

I still cram though.

In other news, I have not yet claimed my new ATM card from the bank. I didn't have time this past weekend (told you I'm busy), so I'm here broke as ever watching those people come home from malls with the biggest and heaviest (I suppose) shopping bags.

At work:
Nothing is new except... Jollibee SM City Sta. Mesa is now a Bronze awardee! All those stress and hard work finally paid off! Who said we can't do it?

I still have more news. But I am already sleep right now. I have my monthly period and my back aches (so does my head and my heart... haha!), I miss my Internet life, but sacrifices should be made for the betterment of whatever it is left of me.

I know, I am not making sense at all.
One question I would love to ask the most boneless guy I've ever met:

Would it make a difference?