Saturday, January 26, 2008

The sweet pain of journal-hunting.

Can someone tell me where on this earth can I buy a COOL leather journal???
And by cool, I mean the not-Papemelroti not-Karton type of journals.

1. It MUST be leather.
2. 200 pages at least
3. has something gold or pink on it.
4. it can come with a pen. =)
5. Did i say it must be leather?
6. It must come cheap. lol. But I am willing to spend, as long as the cost is reasonable!!!

Argghh... this is killing me, I am not by nature a mall rat and I hate walking, or strolling at jam-packed malls, so please, please help me find a store where I can buy cool journal! Who knows, the journal might be for you. Aha.

PS. deadline for submission of suggestions is on Wednesday, January 30, 2008.

Hapi Valentyms, everyone!