Saturday, November 15, 2008

School Lump=Iskul Bukol

This day is really boring. I skipped school today because I got too lazy.

I scheduled that I will see Trainspotting today, but I got way too hooked up on blog hopping so lets hope I see this great movie this Sunday. On the other note, I saw Lost in Translation yesterday, unfortunately, I also got lost in their translation. It was great seeing Bill Murray act in a drama movie, and the movie is really comical, you know, having those japanese people translate those really long japanese sentences into a short english statement. I don't know. For me seeing Lost In Translation is like seeing Before Sunset and Before Sunrise, both great movies yet I seemingly did not understand.

I am currently at page 71 of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight. Of course reading the book has something to do with the Twilight mania, I just don't feel the hype, though. Me thinks I won't finish the book. :( Pero, me is sure I will see the movie. Ooohhh. just saw the trailer and its so cool!

Do you think TVJ is cool? It was good news (well, at least for me) knowing that TVJ will be reunited in the Iskul Bukol movie. I was not born in the TVJ era, I have seen only a few of their hilarious movies, but I really find them funny. Wikipedia translates Iskul Bukol as School Lump. lmao.

Everybody is watching Bubble Gang! I always tell myself that I have to see a Bubble Gang episode, even for once, to know what everybody's ravin about, but I always forget! Argh. Damn Internet. Makes you forget a looot of things.