Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
FX Ride.
blogged by Dani at 16:54 0 comments
Hindi ako yun.
blogged by Dani at 04:43 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Grant Imahara :3
blogged by Dani at 06:31 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Forgetting Assignments.
I call that pose snow angel maronkey. =)
- The blue footprint is a cellphone bling I bought 5 years ago. I found it while doing my usual cleaning and I still find it cute.
- That is our film camera! I almost forgot how to operate it. Do you still have your film cameras with you?
- Who doesn't want Willy Wonka's NERDS?
- That is not even close to a wishing well. That is part of the fountain at Medical City. It's funny how it has coins in it. I threw some of my cents there too! But I didn't make a wish.
- I have a whiteboard. It is fun doodling on your whiteboard.
Have you ever forgot doing an assignment? Not the type of forgetting where you forget because you find your assignment difficult, but rather the "Tngna nakalimutan ko na may assignment tayo!" forgetting. I remembered me and Irenelle forgot to make this super easy assignment for Rizal, wherein all we have to do is find a newspaper article about religion, or about politics and paste it in a short bond paper. But we forgot. FLASHBACK: It was almost noon and there was a parade celebrating the foundation week of our university. We were enjoying the parade so much and we somehow lost the track of time. We haven't eaten our lunch yet, and our class in Rizal starts at 12noon. Anyway, our professor in Rizal doesn't really mind if you come late for her class (though there are additional points for the early birds), so we decided to eat lunch first and be late for 30 minutes. We came in class at 12:30pm, and I was busy eating green mangoes (yes, you can even eat anything during her class just don't make too much fuss) when I noticed that my seatmate (name is Jerome he is the teacher's pet because he knows too much about history) was arranging this colored bond papers alphabetically, and he asked, "Asan mga assignment niyo?" Shocked, I immediately turned to Irenelle and said "Nakalimutan nating gumawa ng assignment sa Rizal!!!" Obviously, we don't have anymore time to cram for the assignment so we just told our teacher's pet that we don't have it. On the way home me and Irenelle were still in shock because of that assignment we forgot to do but we can't help but laugh at ourselves too. Whatever made our minds so preoccupied that we forgot that easy assignment. Argh.
How true is it that Friendster's database is hacked? hahaha. Its fun watching people bitch about Friendster's 'Scheduled Maintenance'. It will teach them that Internet is not all about Friendster. There's also Multiply (ahem) and Plurk. wahahaha. I am evil. Every VIllain Is Lemon. wahahaha again.
If your browser is the Firefox 3, I need to know if Java uploader runs on your browser because it doesn't run on mine. Times like these make me want to switch to Chrome. Anyways, I think what will make me completely switch to Chrome, is when it can read Atom/RSS Feed, because I subscribe to these feeds often.
At eto, lahat na ba ng tagalog na quote ay galing kay Bob Ong? Sheesh naman. Lahat na lang ng tagalog na quote na natatanggap ko sa text galing daw kay Bob Ong. Eh may mga times na hindi ko naman matandaan na nanggaling kay Bob Ong yun. Or... pwede ding sadyang hindi ko lang matandaan. Basta, highly doubtful.
blogged by Dani at 09:20 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
School Lump=Iskul Bukol
This day is really boring. I skipped school today because I got too lazy.
I scheduled that I will see Trainspotting today, but I got way too hooked up on blog hopping so lets hope I see this great movie this Sunday. On the other note, I saw Lost in Translation yesterday, unfortunately, I also got lost in their translation. It was great seeing Bill Murray act in a drama movie, and the movie is really comical, you know, having those japanese people translate those really long japanese sentences into a short english statement. I don't know. For me seeing Lost In Translation is like seeing Before Sunset and Before Sunrise, both great movies yet I seemingly did not understand.
I am currently at page 71 of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight. Of course reading the book has something to do with the Twilight mania, I just don't feel the hype, though. Me thinks I won't finish the book. :( Pero, me is sure I will see the movie. Ooohhh. just saw the trailer and its so cool!
Do you think TVJ is cool? It was good news (well, at least for me) knowing that TVJ will be reunited in the Iskul Bukol movie. I was not born in the TVJ era, I have seen only a few of their hilarious movies, but I really find them funny. Wikipedia translates Iskul Bukol as School Lump. lmao.
Everybody is watching Bubble Gang! I always tell myself that I have to see a Bubble Gang episode, even for once, to know what everybody's ravin about, but I always forget! Argh. Damn Internet. Makes you forget a looot of things.
blogged by Dani at 05:14 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
- I was maximizing the power of my unlimited texting with Nami earlier today and I was telling him how I wanted to blog today, because it feels to me like I have so many things to blog about. However, I'm not in the mood... I call this feeling "Blogger's Block."
- I am going to lose my 20-20 vision soon. I didn't pass the last vision test I had and the doctor suggests me to wear glasses already. (Oh no...) I am also having difficulty reading small fonts on the computer now. I have to press Ctrl + to enlarge the page, or if I am chatting on YM, I have to request you upsize your font. T_T
- I am currently under a Metro Station diet. You'd probably heard of their song, Shake It, which I found surprisingly erotic :) But then they have other cool tracks like Seventeen Forever, Tell Me What To Do, and Now That We're Done. win win
- Its fun watching your karma go up and down at PLURK.
- I have been doing a lot of blogsurfing today and I noticed that bloggers who has their own domain has a pink theme for their layout. I mean, is pink now the universal color of bloggers? Pfft.
- It has been a year since I bought Jane Hamilton's A Map of the World at BookSale, too bad until now, I haven't finished the book. I am stuck at page 79! Ugh. Idk. I just lost my liking of fiction books.
- I have an IQ of 113 according to Why do these IQ test always has to test your mathematical ability? All those abstract reasoning and number series give me a head ache.
- While according to, I am worth $1 458 916. Pretty cheap, huh?
- I am tired, have a great evening, people. :)
blogged by Dani at 11:36 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
"Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders."
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;
~Alexander Pope
I just saw Michael Gondry's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. In the first scene, you'd find Joel (Jim Carrey) waking up one morning in his bed... He is supposed to be going to work when at the last minute, he boards a train heading to Montauk. At Montauk, Joel is being followed by a lady in an orange sweatshirt, who turns out to be Clementine (Kate Winslet).
I find the movie amazing primarily because it stars Jim Carrey, and it makes me wonder how Jim Carrey is in drama movies. Because of this movie, I now think of Jim Carrey is an amazing actor because he can act in drama and comedy as well. Another great thing about this movie is that it has an all-star cast, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, Elijah Wood, Mark Ruffalo etc. It was also fun seeing Kate Winslet play an impulsive, free-spirit lady. Her hair has amazing colors! :)
The movie has basically a simple plot, Clem and Joel are couples who wanted to erase each other from their memories. But it has magnificent twists as well (ooohh spoilers!) Like the part where Mary (Kirsten Dunst) finds out she has an affair with Howard (Tom Wilkinson) and has her memory erased. And the part where Mary sends out the tapes to people (including Joel and Clem) who had the memory erasing procedure done, to 'correct' the happening.
blogged by Dani at 04:47 0 comments
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Are you on Plurk?
I am looking for bored people to follow my plurks. Ugh, I can't promise my plurks will be interesting. Anyways, click me!!!
Help me get my karma get up. hahaha. :)
blogged by Dani at 04:17 0 comments
Saturday, November 08, 2008
I only date Geeks.
I have been meaning to write about techie stuffs here, because... I want to know your opinion about them.
1. Google Chrome
Google released a their own version of browser which is Google Chrome. Its basically the same as Firefox, only that it's cleaner (you'd get what I mean when I say 'cleaner'). It took time to download, however, and I really had a hard time with the bookmarks. I think Chrome doesn't have a Bookmark Toolbar. Anyway, the best feature about Google Chrome for me though is the Incognito Mode, lets you surf the world wide web without leaving a trace. Incognito. hahaha. Great for stalkers. If you want to know more about Google Chrome, just click the link.
2. Upgrading to Service Pack 3.
Nami told me that it is not good to upgrade to Windows XP service pack 3, because... I don't know! haha. Nami told me lot of technical stuffs that my mind wasn't able to process. haha. So, what's the catch with upgrading to Service Pack 3? Have you upgraded your operating system to Service Pack 3?
3. Utorrent
I am so psyched to download lots and lots of torrents, but I am having problems with my connection. You see, if I check my speed at, my download speed plays around 400+, while my upload speed around 100+ (I know, my dsl is slowww). So if you do computer math, the maximum kilobytes you can download per second should be around 50+ or maybe 40+, and that is really my kb/s speed when I download using FF's download manager, however, when I use Utorrent, this time my kb/s speed goes down to a sad sad 1+ kb. Can anyone help me with that? *parinig kay Nami, puntahan mo day pc ko...* How about you, are you able to maximize your Torrent downloading power? haha. What is your download and upload speed?
a sad sad 2.4 kb/s
I have hesitations upgrading to Office 2007 because I think not everyone has upgraded their Office, so, there would be chances that my files can't be read by other people, vice versa. However, I heard that Microsoft Office 2007 is more user-friendly... I don't know, I just heard that. And computer shops at school are now upgraded to Microsoft Office 2007. How about you, have you upgraded your Office to 2007? Is it really more user-friendly?
blogged by Dani at 05:55 0 comments
Friday, November 07, 2008
Sa wakas!
Having listened to the Eraserheads Reunion Concert album is quite frustrating and overwhelming. It makes you feel left-out, of how you were not in the one-night concert, of how you were not in the making of OPM history. However, it makes you feel good, in a quite unexplainable way... of how the band, of how the music has touched the lives of the older, and the younger generation.
*Re-live the moments…
re-experience the goosebumps…
Sa wakas…!!!
blogged by Dani at 17:05 0 comments
Thursday, November 06, 2008
The Friendster Blog
It was nice because Friendster Blogs has a new look. I swear I almost switched to that blogging engine, but here's the catch, it only offers a limited storage space. Sadness.
blogged by Dani at 06:33 0 comments
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Villa Kalayaan
Tomorrow is my first day in my new work. My workplace is located at Taguig (in front of Villa Kalayaan), and I should be at the site at 6am. I haven't been to Taguig, so to avoid tardiness on my first day, I decided to visit my site this afternoon. I went out of the house at around two-thirty, rode a tricycle, helped an old lady cross the street, then managed to ride an Ayala-C5 fx at around 3:15. It took me thirty minutes to get an fx under the heat of the scorching sun. The thought of difficulty of getting an fx almost pissed me off, but good thing the weather was good, there were cotton candy clouds in the sky and I managed to cool my head off. hehe. At the fx, the conversation went like this:
Dani: Manong, dadaan po ba ito sa Kalayaan Avenue?
FXDriver: Saan ka sa Kalayaan?
Dani: Sa Villa Kalayaan po.
FXDriver: Villa Kalayaan, saan yun?
Dani: Sa Kalayaan Avenue po. (duh)
FXDriver: Hindi ko alam yun.
Passenger: Dadaan ito, sa may bandang kanan yun.
Dani: Thank you po. (never fail to thank people for their random acts of kindness)
*dani relieved*
I am quite nervous as our fx passes by the avenue of Kalayaan because I haven't really been there, and I am afraid I might get lost, then.. I saw this tall building, TCC, and across it is taddah... Villa Kalayaan!
*i am so proud of myself moment*
FXDriver: Saan ka uli hija?
Dani: Sa Villa Kalayaan po.
FXDriver: Eh baka ito yun. (Yan nga, manong)
Dani: Yan nga po. Hindi na lang po ako bababa manong, diretso na lang po ako sa Ayala.
I didn't get off the fx because it is really hot, and I am tired, so I decided to have a round trip from Brookside to Ayala. During the fx ride, manong driver was asking me questions until he was able to guess my work, the company I work for, how much I am getting paid, etc. The fx ride was fun. The manong driver was really fun to talk to, and he is kind.
Saw Star Cinema's My Only Ü, directed by Garcia-Molina. It was funny. Its like My Sassy Girl in the sense that its funny but then its sad. Its like its funny and sad at the same time.
blogged by Dani at 14:31 0 comments
I am so proud of myself!
I made my own layout! (again) Isn't my banner cool???
yes, I am fishing for compliments!!!
*i am so proud of myself!*
blogged by Dani at 07:36 0 comments
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Your Universe.
this is what i hate most.
i wan't to write but i can't seem to find the right words.
ps. Rico Blanco's Your Universe is love.
blogged by Dani at 20:03 0 comments