Friday, November 30, 2007


I lost my mobile phone at work yesterday, at the height of the coup de etat. While me and my crew mates are working our asses of in hopes of a bigger salary, the heartless culprit was stealing my fone.

My mother was enraged, but she has learned to accept the fact that some people are just plain evil and will not consider the fact that my fone came from the hard work of my parents.

With my fone, I bid good bye to Ian, my voodoo doll; my Monokuro Boo accessory; captured moments on my phone; saved quotations my dearest friends sent me, and more importantly (this is why losing my phone really sucks!), my two-year old SIM card number. haii... That phone number was so easy to memorize! And it has been through heaven and hell with me! It has witnessed everything that I have been through! hai... I miss my number already. =(

*heart aches*

I could have bought a Havaianas right now, but instead, I bought myself a new phone. No, it doesn't have a camera, or a radio. It is the cheapest in the market and that is all that I can afford. boohoo...

My mom is reconsidering my digicam as a Christmas present.

ampupu naman talaga oh.
Nweis, my new number is 09293188958.

Steph, I didn't switch to another network and I hope my new number's fairly easy to memorize.

I miss my number! Gimme back my number!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Classes are suspended at PUP today because of the university fumigation. And to celebrate (lol), me, jaycel, angel and luigi went to Robinson's Galleria to stroll the mall.

On my To Read list (haha.. I don't do To do lists yet, konti pa kasi ang schoolworks) are:

1. Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys (I heart you, Neil Gaiman!)
2. Paulo Coelho's The Witch of Portobello (argh, im not yet through reading The Pilgrimage)
3. Nicholas Sparks' The Wedding
4. Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club
5. Dave Pelzer's Series
6. Mitch Albom's For One More Day

Tsk, tsk.. I think I'll not be reading my lessons today. lol.

And I discovered another radio, UR 105.9. Underground Radio.
Being clever is when you believe only half of what you hear, while being brilliant is to know which half to believe.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The crap that a newly opened mall brings.

Earlier today, I went to the newly opened SM City Taytay to buy myself a triangle (30x60 degrees) and some cartolinas. I didn't bring any cash with me, except some spare coins for my fare thinking there will be a teller machine available.

The moment I entered the mall, I immediately looked for an atm machine, and I found BDO's. So I was there, doing the same routine when the screen of the machine flashed: "Invalid Transaction". I assumed I was just withdrawing an amount below BDO's requirement so I decided to withdraw a higher amount instead. But then, the screen flashed again: "Invalid Transaction".

Panic striking, I went inside the bank to ask one of the tellers the minimum amount allowable for withdrawal, and told me that the amount I am trying to withdraw meets the requirement, and I should just probably try again. On my way out, the guard saw that my ATM card is Bancnet and told me that I will not be able to withdraw any cash from an BDO ATM machine since BDO is Megalink.

I asked the guard if there are other banks at the mall, and he suggested Chinabank, so off I go. Much to my surprise, Chinabank is still on the works, and the bank doesn't have an ATM machine! Yes, I'm screwed.

Imagine me, tired and hungry from walking to and fro the mall just in search of an ATM machine, but all I see are sights of people who has just satisfied their empty bellies in the comfort of their cushioned seats in those sassy restaurants. Who will not be pissed?!

Someone should know I'm annoyed, so I went to the mall's Customer Service in hopes of an ATM machine wrapped in a red and gold Christmas wrapper just for me, and me alone. But, just as I expected, their Customer Service was of no help at all. They didn't even apologize for the inconvenience it has caused me!!! Some Customer Service, huh?

Much has been said, let me end this unfortunate story with me going home with my ankles swelling and my stomach growling to a hot-of-the-grill porkchops for dinner. =)

I am so not going back to that mall.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tuesdays are Non-profane and Non-obscene Language Day while Wednesdays are Cheesy, Mushy, Tearjerker Movies Day.

Every Tuesday, we conduct our Industrial Technology class and one of the classroom rules is to not say any foul words and double-meaning jokes or else, you'll be asked to pay a fine of one peso. This rule is a challenge for me, knowing how I can be bitchy sometimes. hehe... For the first two meetings of the class, I have been a good follower to this rule, until today... I said something foul twice! And that's two pesos for me! Tsk. tsk. I am two pesos poorer by now, and if I continue to say foul words, I think I'll be a million pesos poorer.

Anyways, Freehand Sketching is stressful. I'd rather do another thesis instead.

I have finished reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven and I give it a five-star rating.

Today, me and my girls watched One More Chance. I know, I know it stars John Lloyd and Bea but who the heck cares? The movie had quite a number of good reviews and who are we to pass an opportunity to watch a good Filipino movie (compared to other Filipino movies)? Plus, it is rare for the five of us to get together... so the movie experience was fun!

Did you guys notice that I changed my headshot?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's 10pm and I'm already sleepy.

Plans for the holidays:
Since my mother promised me the cheapest digicam on the market, I plan to spend the holidays as a photographer. Haha! I have been telling Luigi about this lifelong dream and I am excited to making it closely happen. Luigi says I should get a crash course or perhaps workshops on photography and I am honestly considering that as a very good option. =)

I wanted to cut my hair, but I know today is not yet the right time. I tried Clear Ice Cool for women and it feels good on my hair.

My mom, my aunt and my uncle are going to World Trade Center tomorrow, and they are also going to have lunch together, and I can't come with them because I have to report to duty tomorrow. Sadness. =(

I have been receiving few comments that I am getting fatter. hehehe... Hey, it's a big deal for me!

OJT starts on Wednesday and guess what, the office (which is my mom's office, btw) I am going to report to has an internet connection! Coolness! Plus! I get to report whenever I want without sacrificing my required hours for the subject!

Yesterday, Luigi and I went to Recto looking for Education books on bargain. I was thrilled! Imagine me getting two books for a total of P170. Did I mention they are brand new? Cheap stuff, huh?
Love is like an hourglass with the heart filling up as the brain empties.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Would it make a difference?

So, since when was my last post?

I'm sorry peeps, been busy juggling my life between school and work lately, I barely have time to keep this thing updated.

Ha! As if you are interested.

Setting sarcasm aside, school's good. =)
Punctuality is my best friend again! I have not been late to school since our Measurement and Evaluatuion professor gave our class her final warning regarding our puntuality problems. I, also, am doing my assignments and I am reading lessons in advance. Would you believe me doing those things? Even I don't believe myself. Haha!

I still cram though.

In other news, I have not yet claimed my new ATM card from the bank. I didn't have time this past weekend (told you I'm busy), so I'm here broke as ever watching those people come home from malls with the biggest and heaviest (I suppose) shopping bags.

At work:
Nothing is new except... Jollibee SM City Sta. Mesa is now a Bronze awardee! All those stress and hard work finally paid off! Who said we can't do it?

I still have more news. But I am already sleep right now. I have my monthly period and my back aches (so does my head and my heart... haha!), I miss my Internet life, but sacrifices should be made for the betterment of whatever it is left of me.

I know, I am not making sense at all.
One question I would love to ask the most boneless guy I've ever met:

Would it make a difference?

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ang Cubao, bow.

1. Well, since I am a citizen of this country. I have to say something about this (although its sooooo late).

WTF, was she thinking? She should have pardoned Leo Echagarray instead.

2. I was supposed to be doing my very first assignment for this semester but I discovered yet another blog! I know, Internet is the villain in my life. I wonder who will be the hero?

3. I took a good bath today. My hair smells oh-so-nice. haha...

4. I went to Metrobank Edsa-Aurora branch earlier today to process the replacement of my stolen ATM card (which was inside of mystolen wallet). The teller says I'll be able to get my brand-new ATM card next Monday. Yipee!

5. The process of application for a new ATM card made me rekindle the hate I have for Cubao. I hate Cubao! I hate having to walk kilometers of heat, pollution, and unsecured security under the UV rays of the freakin' Cubao sun. I also hate the guards shouting, "Keep right, keep right!" when you are already at the super rightest of the sidewalk!

6. One thing I love in Cubao though, is their National Bookstore. Ralph calls this branch, the 'Big Branch' and boy, it is really big! Just imagine a National Bookstore with three floors and a two-way elevator. It seems like it has everything you need... well, except for friendly assistants.

7. As I was shopping for technical pens and a mechanical pencil at the National Bookstore I, again (as I always feel this whenever I shop), felt underestimated! You see, I always have this nagtatanong-lang-walang-pera-yan look whenever I shop. Admittedly, I really don't have lots and lots of money, but I am the type of customer who when asks, buys. I won't go bother you in your job if I don't have plans on buying!

9. I saw That 70's Show today. Another funny Kutcher. Another funny episode.

10. Christmas season na! I'm going to download Parokya Ni Edgar's Jingle Balls Silent Night Holy Cow album. Goodies, goodies.

11. Someday is my favorite word.
Even a broken clock is right, twice a day.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

November 4-6, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007
I updated the crew training plan at our bulletin board. Other than that, nothing is new.

Monday, November 5, 2007;
at school:
First day of classes and I was late for my first period. Tsk, tsk... Good thing we have a very considerate professor. She admitted latecomers for that day, but on the agreement that it will be our last. She doesn't think that since it is a 7:30 am class, it is natural to be late. Famous quote for that period: "Early to bed, early to rise. Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

Aside from my first period class, no professors showed up for the rest of the day. I forgot to bring a book to read, so I just spent the day talking--catching up on my friends' lives, and other latest issues (and gossips) I don't know of.

Highlight of the day:
I don't want to recall how, where, and when this happened. It was my first time to have someone steal from me, and yes, I feel stupid. I I just thank God Steph is there.

at work:
Our Service Quality Manager, M'Mhy, came back from her leave. Welcome back M'Mhy! You were missed.

Since classes already started and because of my school schedule, I am back to closing shift. I also guided Baby, a trainee, in her cashiering. She performed poorly, but I understand. I am already used to the stress my trainees bring me.

Some news I got from a workmate: He already has a girlfriend.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
No work today. Just school. I am very excited about our Industrial Technology subject. Our professor made it sound very fun! She says we have to assemble and disassemble a fluorescent lamp. Cool, huh?

Saturday, November 03, 2007


This will be quick.

This week has been too mundane for me. The practice rating ceased in line with All Soul's and All Saint's Day. I have no trainess pending for their Initial-Follow-up. Same deviations, same action plans. I am seeing the same faces, everyday. Nothing has been extra ordinary.

One more day to go and classes will start once again. I am not excited at all. Whatever happened to having the 'time of my life'.


my favorite mug says:
The difference between ordinary and extra ordinary
is the little extra.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Purple Line

Happy Halloween, everyone!

1. Work's pretty mundane so I have nothing to share about.

2. Yesterday was payday, and I did some grocery shopping. Price of goods are high. Imagine me paying P300+ for just 10 items!

3. Pig-out with workmates at Chowking Pureza. Yum, yum! (Sorry, no pictures)

4. My father came home today, yipee! ^_^


Here are some pictures I took at LRT-Purple Line.

No he is not good-looking. XD

after the guy in yellow alighted the train at the
Araneta Center-Cubao station, this guy took his place.

next station, Katipunan. ang susunod na istasyon ay Katipunan.

the guy on green was sitting beside me.
he is not good-looking either. XD


While making this blog entry I went out to go to the bathroom. At our living room, my mom and my brothers were busy watching Pinoy Big Brother and I took a little peek. I saw the all the housemates wearing black and they have Bea Alonzo and John Lloyd as their guest. I ask, "Pinopromote ang Clear 'no?" and my mom answered, "Yes."

Tsk, tsk. Tut, tut. Too much commercialism on local TV.